Identity of the responsible

Hotel, restaurant, banquets CASAREYNA (hereafter CASAREYNA) with address in Privada 2 oriente no. 1007 col. Centro, Puebla, Puebla CP. 72000, is a company that is committed to protect your privacy. Our responsible of data protection is the Personal Data Department and is located in the same address, you can contact them by the e mail:

This Privacy Policy concern to the next web sites belonging to CASAREYNA:

As well as all the accomplished transactions by CASAREYNA in its facilities including hotel services, restaurant and banquets.

Personal data

For the proposes indicated in this Privacy Policy, CASAREYNA may collect your personal data in different ways: when the information is directly communicated by you; when you visit the CASAREYNA websites; when you use the services offered online by CASAREYNA and when we collect information through other ways different from those mentioned above and that are allowed by applicable laws. The personal data collected by the before mentioned ways are:

Identification data: name(s), last mane(s), address, phone number (house, cell phone and or work), marital status, signature, e-mail, gender, age, birthday, user name and password.
Financial data: cardholder name, card number, expiration date (in case of online transactions)
Billing information: name or business name, RFC, tax address.
Preferences data: related with the room, required services and or reason and preferences of travel.

It is considered as sensitive personal data those that affect the most intimate sphere of its Holder, or whose improper use may give rise to discrimination or entail a serious risk for it. In particular, it is considered sensitive those that may reveal aspects such as racial or ethnic origin, present and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union affiliation, political opinions, sexual preference. In case you stay in any of our hotels, the sensitive personal data that we will ask you to provide us will be those related to your health or different capacities, which we will use only to provide you a better service and satisfy your specific needs.

Purpose and treatment of personal data

Purposes that create the legal relationship and that are necessary to provide the service:

The personal information that you will provide us will be used by CASAREYNA to provide the services that you request or that are part of a program where you are signed up or a purchase you have made: reservations, purchase of holiday packages, sign up in our loyalty programs, event organization and social reunions, purchase of products and or touristic services.

CASAREYNA may use the personal information that you provide us to give you a better service and, where appropriate, identify your preferences during your stay and make it more pleasant.

Purposes that don’t create legal relationship nor necessary to provide the service:

In addition, we can use the information to offer you special offers and touristic and commercial products, sending special offers, special services, newspapers, surveys, prize draws and other online contests.